Acupuncture - Philosophy


The inner tradition

This is one of the basis of Chinese philosophy which we can find in Confucius and Taoism. They say that at birth we have a destiny to fulfill which is in harmony with what we are fundamentally.

This is somewhat similar to occidental notions like personal legend or divine grace, etc. The biggest difference though, is that our health is dependant on this harmony that we can restore when we follow our inner path in all choices we make.

Turning one's back on destiny means dying eventually without being fulfilled and having to go through suffering and sickness.

Finding one’s path is therefore a promise of happiness, health and life accomplishment.


Disease and discomfort

Acupuncture is devoted to healing sickness, pain and discomfort, as they are a manifestation of disorders of the person’s energy patterns.

These diseases are also major obstacles to finding a good balance in a much broader sense.



Vitality in acupuncture is a precious indication of the energy balance. It is the manifestation of the harmonious transformation of yin and yang through the five element cycle (metal, water, wood, fire and earth) which give birth to the 10 000 things (the world as we perceive it).

If unbalance sets in, either through accidents, contagion, hygiene problems, difficult weather conditions or strong emotions, sickness appears and vitally drops.


Contacting inner self

At conception, according to Chinese philosophy, each human being is in perfect harmony with the universe (Tao) and is empowered with a little spark of Tao itself.

Through the first life experiences, we loose this perfection and its unity with the Tao because we become inhabited by egotistic, mental and ambitious habits which tend to make us desire security, wealth, power and fame.

We become more and more isolated and cease to feel the initial spark, which showed us the way.

In adulthood, we should contact once again this interior spark, which shows us the way to consciousness, humility, love and accomplishment of self.

Acupuncture may help us find the way.


Releasing energies

When accidents occur (physical or psychic traumas, uncured illnesses, various intoxications, too strong or suppressed emotions, etc.), the energy circulating in given organs will largely tend to block, creating growing unbalances.

The acupuncturist is always on the watch for these accidents, which may prevent cure and are ruinous for health. He has learnt specific techniques for releasing these energies. Sometimes it can be quite a long process if these energies have been blocked for a very long time.

It is important for the patient to be ready to open up to the necessary changes to guide these energies liberated so.


Doors of consciousness


The acupuncturist helps the patient’s consciousness to emerge and enter the path while renewing ties with the universal energy and his inner spark.

While accessing consciousness man accomplishes his destiny to be between heaven (Tao) and earth (matter), that is who, through his particular energy, will let the Tao accomplish itself in the universe.


In harmony with the universe

This is the ultimate phase of human destiny where the being fulfilling its destiny finds itself united in the perfection of the Tao, finds illumination, that is complete disappearance of ego, connection with all things, absolute understanding of all things as well as unity with infinite love.



12344 Notre-Dame-des-Anges
Montreal, Qc, Canada • H4J 2C4